Author Archives: Erin Rector


Tips For A Drought-Tolerant Landscape Design

With the climate constantly shifting, droughts are becoming more and more prevalent. Preparing for a drought isn’t easy, especially if you are looking to maintain a beautiful landscape. You don’t know exactly when a drought will occur, leaving you with a shriveled landscape that looks like a desert wasteland has taken up residence on your property. In order to create a drought-tolerant garden and greenspace for your property, any decent landscape design company will recommend xeriscaping. This is a special technique that involves meticulous insight, but yields incredible results. Below you’ll find important tips for a drought-tolerant landscape design that will ensure that your plants and greenery flourish even when rainfall and water sources are scarce.

Planning Your Landscape

Take a look at your yard. Identify the shady spots and any existing vegetation that cannot be removed. When you understand the space you’re working with, it’s easier to come up with drought-tolerant landscape ideas. Keep an eye out for areas where the ground naturally slopes because these areas will play a key role in the natural drainage system of your landscape. Furthermore, determine the purpose of the entire area. Determine where the most foot traffic will be, and if it’s necessary to create a path for people to walk on. Stone paths can compliment any landscape and don’t need to be watered.

Analyze the Soil

Most custom landscape services involve soil analysis. This gives you an idea of the type of soil you’re working with, so you know how much improvement is necessary. A soil analysis also helps determine which types of plants will flourish in your space and which ones won’t grow at all.

Go Native

Once you have an idea of the type of soil you’re working with, you can select plants. A good rule for creating a drought-resistant landscape is to stick with native plants. Any plant that naturally grows in the region will require less watering and be well adapted to the local climate. When you bring in seeds from other places you’re looking at more watering and maintenance to help them grow.

Learn to Strategize

Group plants together based on how often they need watering. You should also come up with a watering strategy. For example, only water plants in the morning when the weather is cool, so that when the sun comes out, the water doesn’t evaporate. Moreover, avoid watering plants at night, because it can result in the growth of mould and fungus which are hard to get rid of during a drought. Finally, water your plants at their base, so there is less chance of evaporation.

Mulch Organically

Use organic mulch to help cool the plants’ roots and slow down the water evaporation process. Organic mulch is compatible with any soil and retains moisture efficiently, so if there is a drought, you can rest assured that your landscape won’t suffer.

Limit the Turf

Unless you are landscaping a soccer field, you should limit the use of high-input turf grass. This is only ideal for sports fields and not particularly drought-resistant. Although high-input turf may always seems to be a sparkling emerald green, it is difficult to maintain, and cannot stand up to a drought.

Collect Water Where You Can

Because a drought can hit without warning, you need to collect water when you can. This involves installing a rain barrel to capture rainwater, and taking advantage of downspouts. You can also collect water from basement dehumidifiers and pools. However, if there is a drought, you probably won’t be filling up your pool.

Weather Controlled Irrigation Systems

Weather controlled irrigation is the ideal solution for areas that experience frequent dry periods – and a strong investment for your property. These systems are programmed to irrigate at certain times per day when the soil will use the water most efficiently. The most advanced of these systems are connected to weather reports and will not turn on when it is predicted to rain.

Custom Landscape Services to the Rescue

The most effective way to design a drought-tolerant landscape is to take advantage of custom landscape services. Hiring a professional landscape design company will help you get the garden and foliage that you want, without sacrifices. Any reputable landscape design company will create the perfect drought-tolerant set-up for your property, whether it’s for a commercial space or your home.

Maintenance is Key

A little maintenance goes a long way. If you are trying to maintain a large property, you will probably want to hire a professional landscaper to handle upkeep. Even if you’re not dealing with a commercial space, custom landscape services are probably the best way to maintain your greenery. The better maintained your landscape is, the more drought-tolerant it will be.

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Weed Control

10 Most Common Weeds And How To Control Them

An important part of maintaining a commercial property is landscaping. Although you may do your best to cultivate attractive flowerbeds and grasses around the property, invasive weed growth is something that infects all green spaces. The best thing to do is to invest in commercial weed control services. If not properly controlled, weeds will spring up without notice and ruin the look and health of your landscape.

Below are the ten most common weeds that grow on commercial properties. Some look like traditional flowers, and you may not even realize that they are harmful plants looking to destroy your beautiful landscape. Furthermore, certain weeds are toxic, and therefore require the professional services of a commercial weed control company.

  1. Annual Sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus): Although it has “annual” in its name, this weed is actually perennial. It spreads by seeds and can reach 18 inches in height. Annual sowthistle flowers from July through October.
  2. Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense): This perennial weed spreads through seeds and rhizomes (a mass of roots). Canada thistle can reach heights of five feet and shows up from July through October.
  3. Common Cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium): Spreading through seeds and flowering from August through October, this annual weed grows up to four feet.
  4. Common Purslane (Portulaca oleracea): Common purslane flowers annually and its stems can grow up to 14 inches. Like most weeds, it spreads by seeds, and it sprouts from August through October.
  5. Common Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia): From July through October, you’ll find common ragweed. It can grow to heights as tall as three feet and spreads through seeds. This weed is also known to cause allergic reactions and hay fever through its pollen.
  6. Crabgrass (Digitaria species): Appearing in the mid-spring all the way through summer, crabgrass is an annual weed that spreads through seeds. This weed only requires a little rainfall to sprout and can grow to more than two inches.
  7. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale): Growing up to 1 foot in height, dandelion can flower at any time as long as temperatures permit. This weed spreads by seeds, and the young leaves are actually edible.
  8. English Daisy (Bellis perennis): Reaching 3-6 inches in height, English daisies (also known as lawn daisies) are more common in the spring and early summer before the temperatures soar. Although they may look like flowers, they are actually weeds.
  9. Poison Ivy (Rhus radicans): A perennial weed that flowers in May and June, poison ivy also causes allergic reactions if touched. It appears as a vine or shrub and spreads by creeping rootstock.
  10. Redroot Pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus): This weed spreads annually through seeds and can grow up to 6 feet. Redroot pigweed appears between July and November.

Weed Control: What You Need to Know

The aforementioned weeds need to be taken care of before they ruin your landscape. Commercial weed control techniques are required to rid your garden of these intrusive pests.


If you are able to pull weeds, roots and all, directly from the soil, you should be able to remove them. You will need to wait until the soil is wet, and you must be careful to grasp the weed by the root as close to the soil line as possible, in order completely remove it and keep it from growing back.

Corn Gluten Herbicides

These are powdered herbicides that are made out of corn gluten. They are effective on crabgrass and keep it from germinating. Do not use corn gluten on newly seeded lawns because the herbicide will prevent the flowers and plants you actually want from growing properly.


In order to cultivate weeds, you will need a hoe or tiller. Once weeds have their roots cut or tops mangled, they will die. Cultivation works best when you slice weeds when the soil is dry and only cultivate the top 1-2 inches of soil.


This is a technique that, if done correctly, can act as a weed barrier and prevent them from growing altogether. The mulch needs to be more than two inches thick in order to keep weeds from germinating. When mulch (especially organic mulch) is spread, it stops weed growth by blocking sunlight and locking moisture into the soil.


A great way to reduce weeds is to overcrowd your plants. When plants grow closely together they take up the necessary room needed for weeds to grow. Simply put, when you limit the amount of space available for weeds, you limit the number of weeds that can grow.


Weeds require a small burst of flame to be killed. You will need a flamer, which is a portable gas torch that produces intense heat. However, toxic weeds like poison ivy cannot be burned because the fumes are harmful.

The most effective way to keep weeds at bay is to take advantage of commercial weed control services. These services, offered by professional landscaping companies, limit the effort required on your part. Companies that offer weed control for commercial properties take care of adding mulch, planting new foliage, flaming and creating barriers that keep weeds away.

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outdoor fireplace

10 Meals You Can Make With An Outdoor Fireplace

An outdoor fireplace is an important feature that attracts many people to an outdoor kitchen landscape design for their home. Backyard fireplaces are a great way to enjoy the outdoors, and can be used to prepare some of your favourite meals. You can also get creative and make gourmet dishes, depending on your outdoor fireplace design. For the most part, all you need are oven mitts and a grilling rack to make a large number of different dishes. If you’re looking for culinary inspiration, here are ten meals you can make with an outdoor fireplace.

  1. Scrambled Eggs
  2. All you need is a cast-iron skillet to have a great breakfast outdoors using your fireplace. In addition to eggs, you can cook bacon, sausages, beans, oatmeal and pancakes on your outdoor fireplace. You can make a complete breakfast for your family to enjoy outside, hot off the grill.

  3. T-bone Steak
  4. There is no better way to cook a T-bone steak than over an open flame, and it takes under ten minutes to cook. Simply season the meat and place it directly on the grilling rack, turning after five minutes. When those perfect grill marks start to appear, you know the meat is done. You can also place the steak directly on the embers at about four minutes per side. Once removed from heat, brush the meat off to remove any embers that are clinging to it.

  5. Fish
  6. This is one of the easiest meals to make on an outdoor fireplace. Simple seasonings like salt, pepper and lemon juice are all you need for delicious fish. Drizzle a cast-iron skillet with olive oil and place it on the heat for about two minutes (or until hot). Then, place the fish of your choice on the the hot, cast-iron skillet. Flip after about three minutes (four minutes for salmon or other thick-cut fish). Cook for another three minutes before serving.

  7. Roasted or Baked Potatoes
  8. Whether you use sweet potatoes, white potatoes, yellow ones or red ones, roasted potatoes are easy to make on an outdoor fireplace. In fact, you can bake the potatoes directly on the fireplace embers if you so desire. For roasting, you can leave the potatoes whole if they are small, or cube them, and place them in foil on a grilling rack. You can season your potatoes with salt, pepper, chives, garlic—it’s your call.

  9. Catalan Tomato Bread
  10. This is an easy fireplace recipe that takes no time at all. With garlic, ripe tomatoes and the bread of your choice, you have an exciting side dish. All you need is to rub some roasted garlic and halved tomatoes on the bread, getting as much juice out of them as you can. Then drizzle with olive oil and place on the grilling rack for two to four minutes. Remember that bread burns quite quickly so do not take your eyes off the grill.

  11. Onions
  12. Onions can be cooked over any open flame, so they work great on any outdoor fireplace. Cooking onions outdoors is easy because they can be placed whole directly on the fire or on a grilling rack. You can also wrap them in foil and cook them with other vegetables like mushrooms and peppers.

  13. String-turned Roasted Chicken
  14. Depending on the outdoor fireplace design you have, you should be able to easily set up a truss to roast your chicken. This works best with a whole chicken, and you will need a fireplace-safe pan to catch the drippings that fall as the bird cooks. You can also use the drippings to make a gravy or sauce to accompany your roasted chicken.

  15. Roasted Beef Tenderloin
  16. To make this dish, you will need to wrap the tenderloin in a clean towel (you can use a dishtowel if it’s thick enough). The meat needs to be closely wrapped in a towel so that you can place it directly on the fireplace. You will have to dampen the towel first otherwise the meat will stick to it, or it could catch fire. Roasted beef tenderloin on the fireplace takes about thirty minutes. For best results, turn the meat after fifteen minutes.

  17. Pizza
  18. To make perfect pizza it will depend on your outdoor fireplace design. If you’re lucky enough to have an outdoor pizza oven then you’re all set. If you have a traditional fireplace, don’t fret, you can still make pizza on it. You will need a grilling rack to place your pizza on and you will want it to be very hot. When removing the pizza from the fireplace you will need to wear oven mitts, otherwise you will burn your hands.

  19. S’mores
  20. Everyone’s favourite childhood camping trip treat is easy to make on your outdoor fireplace. All you need are graham crackers, marshmallows, dark or milk chocolate and foil. Simply build your s’mores, wrap them in foil and place on the the grilling rack for one or two minutes. Alternately, you can skewer the marshmallows and hold them over the flames for about two minutes. Remove the marshmallows from the skewers and build your s’mores from there. If you have young children they will probably get a kick out of being able to roast their own marshmallows.

If you have an outdoor fireplace and you’ve wondering what to do with it, now is the time to unleash your inner chef and get to grilling! If you’re looking for outdoor kitchen landscape ideas, contact us. We can convert any outdoor fireplace design into a reality.

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snow removal

Questions To Ask Your Commercial Snow Removal Company

Winter brings us a snowy wonderland that may look beautiful, but can create a lot problems. If you’re stuck shovelling on your own, you could find yourself shivering outside for hours clearing your driveway and steps. Plus, you risk back and arm injuries, not to mention catching a cold. For these reasons and more, many people turn to a commercial snow removal company to clear away mother nature’s debris.

If you’re looking for a commercial snow removal operation to take care of shovelling and clearing, you should do your research before settling on a company. Ask around to see which companies other local businesses use, and read online testimonials if possible. Once you’ve narrowed it down to a few snow removal companies, give them a call and ask the following questions. The answers will determine if they’re the right commercial snow removal company for you.

Do you have insurance?

Any reputable commercial snow removal company will have general liability insurance. Moreover, they should also have a workers compensation program in place for their employees. If something happens on your property that is out of anyone’s control, the snow removal business must be covered. You must be covered as well, so contact your insurance provider and make sure that your house insurance includes accidents related to snow removal (it probably does but it’s better to be safe than sorry).

What services does your company provide besides commercial snow removal?

Snowfalls come in all shapes and sizes. Does the snow removal company have other services in place to deal with the different conditions associated with snowfalls? For instance, will they salt the area as needed? Will they haul the snow away if the accumulation is too great? Will they provide a shovelling service to clear walkways and maintain your safety? Most snow removal businesses will provide these additional services. If the company you are speaking with does not, move on to another one.

Will you be assessing my property before the first snowfall?

Any company that refuses to visit your site before taking you on as a client is not one you should work with. There is ample planning that must go into snow removal and any company that is willing to wait until the first snowfall before assessing your home and street shouldn’t be considered for the task of snow removal.

Are you in good standing with the Better Business Bureau?

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) of Canada is an organization that holds companies accountable and provides consumers with trust. If the commercial snow removal company you are considering isn’t in good standing with the BBB, move on.

What kind of equipment will be used?

A regular truck is not going to do the job of commercial snow removal. In order to ensure the company you are looking into has the right equipment for the job, make sure they use high-grade snow removal equipment like skid steers, plows, pushers and front-end loaders.

How many clients do you currently have?

This questions ties in to the one above. A snow removal business that has forty clients should have the equipment and manpower to service each one in a timely manner. If the company only has two trucks and forty clients then your needs will not be met and you’ll be waiting for hours for your snow removal service. Make sure that the commercial snow removal company you choose has enough equipment and employees to deal with each of their clients properly.

When do you get to work?

Any reputable snow removal business will get to work as soon as there’s a centimetre of accumulation. Companies that wait any longer before starting their snow removal process are putting you at risk. Black ice can form quickly, leaving you with a greater chance of someone slipping or skidding and increasing the likelihood of collisions on your property.

Do you work with any subcontractors?

A worthy snow removal operation will not use subcontractors. If they do, then consider everything they told you about equipment, insurance and manpower meaningless, because a subcontractor could operate within their own set of rules that have no bearing on the company you have agreed to do with business with.

How much do you charge for your services?

Ideally, you will find a commercial snow removal company that charges a flat-rate for the season and not per snowfall. It’s easier to sign a contract for the winter at a fixed price then to be billed after each snowfall. If you live in a place that receives constant accumulation this can quickly exceed your budget and take a toll on your finances.

Do you have a dispatcher to respond to emergencies?

Snow doesn’t always fall on command, and ice build-up and other problems can arise without snow even falling, which is why you want a removal company that is available 24/7. Any company that does not employ a dispatcher for emergencies isn’t one you want to work with.

Any Canadian city will be hit with more than one snowfall during the winter months. It’s important to find a commercial snow removal company that you trust, and that will be attendant to your needs.

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Ten Ideas For Better Landscaping Solutions

A great way to improve your home is through landscaping. With so many landscaping option out there what should you choose? Do you go with a new patio or add a swimming pool? What about a colourful garden or space for the kids to play? Are you looking to cook more outdoors or cultivate a relaxing atmosphere? We’ve come up with ten ideas for better landscaping solutions that look great and compliment any home.

  1. Stone Path Dividers
  2. Whether it’s your back or front yard you’re looking to improve, stone paths can be used to divide any area. Adding stone paths or walkways to separate certain areas of your yard allow you to keep certain spaces separate from others. For instance, if you have a stone path that divides your yard into two areas, you can have a barbecue station in one and a swing set for your kids in another. Or, you can have stone paths around your home that connect the back and front yards. No matter what you choose, stone paths are proven landscaping solutions.

  3. Outdoor Kitchen
  4. Do you host a lot of barbecues? Do you like having people over for meals? Why not try this ultimate landscaping solution: the outdoor kitchen. You don’t have to install a full kitchen but speciality appliances like brick stoves and pizza ovens work great outdoors. It is also a good idea to install an outdoor sink to make cleaning up after barbecues a breeze.

  5. Meditation Garden
  6. If you’re looking to create a zen-like atmosphere in your backyard, a meditation garden will do the trick. Meditation gardens don’t necessarily need to be used to meditate. They’re actually stylish and offer a tranquil aspect to your yard.

  7. Swimming Pool
  8. The perfect landscaping solution for your home might be a swimming pool. Besides giving your family a place to cool down when the sun’s out for revenge, a pool is like an at-home gym because swimming is a great overall body workout. You don’t have to have an in-ground pool, an above-ground one with a deck built around it is a great landscaping option.

  9. Water Features
  10. If having an in-ground or above-ground pool isn’t a good landscaping option for your property there are other water features you can install that take up less space. Ponds, waterfalls, ceramic and stone fountains all make for beautiful landscaping ideas. You can even have fish in your pond to create an idyllic scene. Just remember that the fish will need a home in the winter when your pond freezes over.

  11. Privacy Shrubbery
  12. One of the more practical considerations of landscaping is ensuring that you have enough privacy from your neighbours. Traditional fencing is fine but if you’re looking to spruce up your property, try privacy shrubbery instead. Evergreen shrubs, bamboo plants—basically any tall hedge—will work to keep your home separate from your neighbours’. However, some shrubs will lose their greenery in the winter, so keep that in mind when choosing your plants.

  13. Kiddie Corner
  14. If you have kids, don’t neglect them when it comes to landscaping. Swing sets and jungle gyms can be incorporated into your backyard but if you really want to keep your kids busy for hours on end go for the fun option with a sandbox. Since you will already be dividing your backyard with beautiful stone paths, you can keep the sandbox separate from the “adult” areas of the yard like the outdoor kitchen and pool.

  15. Deck and Patio
  16. Depending on the size of your property, a deck or patio may be the right landscaping solution for you. You can go with a gorgeous stone patio or try the brick option. On the other hand, a treated-wood deck could look great in your yard. It all depends on the space available and what your tastes dictate.

  17. Theme Garden
  18. Another landscaping solution for your home is to add your own spin to a traditional garden. Theme gardens allow you to explore different colours and plant species. Everything from tropical to woodland to beach to rock garden is up for grabs and since this is your property, whatever theme you choose for your garden is perfect. You can match the rest of your yard to your theme garden for a little symmetry.

  19. Fireplace
  20. A simple landscaping option would be to add a fireplace or firepit to your yard. Fireplaces and firepits add a cozy feeling to your property and are easy to maintain. Plus, with a firepit or place you can entertain outside all year round.

If you are planning on undertaking a large landscaping project for your home, seek professional assistance. There are a great many things to consider, not the least of which being that many aspects of landscaping work can be dangerous. Contact the professionals at Infinity Gardens instead to help you every step of the way.

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Yard Design

12 Ways To Make Your Yard More Inviting For Guests

Entertaining doesn’t have to be reserved for the living room. The next time you have people over, encourage them to sit outside and enjoy the yard. How do you get our guests to want to hang out in the backyard? It’s not as hard as you may think. Here are 12 ways to make your yard more inviting for guests:

  1. Keep Bugs Away
  2. Because we spend most of our daily hours at work, we usually only utilize our yards in the evening and that’s when the bugs come out in full force. To keep bugs away try citronella candles and have plants around that repel insects like basil, mint and chrysanthemums. There are also light fixtures that you can buy that zap bugs on contact. However, they can be noisy and distracting when you’re trying to entertain.

  3. Furnish with Relaxation in Mind
  4. A great way to get people to want to enjoy your yard is to cultivate an atmosphere that looks relaxing. Comfortable seating like padded garden furniture and patio sets that look inviting create the perfect match of style and comfort. Do not put indoor furniture outside. It will get ruined. Make sure you get furniture that is specifically made for the outdoors.

  5. Light the Way
  6. During the day you’ll have the sun to provide natural illumination but at night you’ll need candles, torches and outdoor lights. You don’t have to light up your yard like it’s a Major League Baseball diamond but you should provide enough lighting so that people can see each other while they hang out. LED and solar powered lights are a nice green option if you’re looking to conserve energy in your yard.

  7. Avoid Clutter
  8. A yard with too much stuff in it, will not be inviting to guests. Avoid cluttering your yard with too much furniture and fixtures. An easy way to stay away from clutter is to pick a theme for your yard and stick to it. You won’t want to add items and furniture that don’t fit with your theme.

  9. Add Water
  10. If you have a pool then you’re already one step ahead of the game. If you don’t have a pool and there’s no option to get one, try a small water feature like a fountain. Not only do water features add a touch of style to your yard, the bubbling sounds can be very calming and contribute to the relaxing atmosphere you’re trying to cultivate.

  11. Let Your Yard Bloom
  12. Flowers and greenery make any yard more inviting for guests because they look beautiful and stimulate the senses. Keeping your yard in full bloom (which may not be possible in the winter, making it all the more desirable when it’s warm out) creates swaths of colour and adds a nice fragrant touch.

  13. Keep the Grass Trimmed
  14. Unkempt grass will make everyone stay away from your yard. Besides keeping your grass trimmed and cared for, ensure that there’s enough green space available for kids (and adults) to run around on. With a grassy area in your yard, you can have games for everyone to enjoy like lawn bowling and beanbag toss.

  15. Throw Some Shade
  16. Your yard will get very warm, perhaps unpleasantly so on a hot day. Keep an area of your backyard shaded to give your guests somewhere to escape the sun. You can have a canopy or tent put up in your yard, or if you have large trees, use them as a refuge by hanging a hammock where people can get out of the sun.

  17. Fire It Up
  18. If you’re looking to extend the outdoor season well into the winter, invite your guests over to sit by your outdoor fireplace or firepit. The warm glow of the fire, coupled with the hot cocoa you’ll make in your outdoor kitchen (see #12) will make your guests feel cozy.

  19. Deck the Yard
  20. Deck the yard with…a deck. If you don’t have one already, having a deck put in gives you an extra incentive to have people over. Decks are easy to clean and maintain and you don’t have to stick to the traditional wood option. Stone patios are equally as inviting as wooden decks. If you have a fireplace or firepit installed, you might as well house it on a gorgeous deck or patio.

  21. Project the Entertainment
  22. Movie projectors are easy to make these days. All you need is an app for your smartphone, a light coloured sheet and a wall. Invite your guests over for outdoor movie nights and serve popcorn that you’ve popped directly on your fireplace or firepit.

  23. Keep It Cooking
  24. Another option to make your yard the place to be, is to add an outdoor kitchen. Many people already have barbeques and other cooking appliances outside, why not have an entire kitchen so you don’t have to run back into the house every time you need to make dinner for your guests?

These 12 ways to make your backyard more inviting for guests are so appealing that you may have trouble getting your guests to ever leave!

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snow removal

Tips For Booking A Commercial Snow Removal Service

Winter is just around the corner again and that means snow, lots of it. This is usually a busy time for snow removal companies, so booking one might not be as easy as you think if there is high demand. Also, there are things you should look for and questions you should ask before signing the dotted line with any snow removal company. It will save you a headache and money later on. Some of the things you should look for include the specific services they provide, reviews from previous clients, their equipment as well as insurance.

Insurance Coverage

Some smaller contractors can’t afford the adequate insurance that is required of snow removal companies. While this can enable them to offer you a competitive rate, the downside is that there is little or no coverage in the event of an accident or claim. Contractors should have at least $5,000,000 in coverage and include a “snow removal” rider in the coverage. Ask the prospective contractor for a WSIB clearance certificate before negotiating services.


Even though a contractor might offer you an attractive price up front, be careful of additional costs that come after. The contractor can make additional charges that were not covered in the contract, so make sure to look at the details before you sign. While contractors should not be outrageously expensive, don’t be fooled by very low prices either. Also, find out exactly how much is being charged for what service. Also, do they charge by the hour or by the project? If it is by the hour how soon can they do the job?


A snow removal contractor should be accessible. Even if the contractor himself is not available to take your call, there should be someone at the office you can speak to. This helps to facilitate trust with the customer and it helps handle any issues that might have come up. If the company does not have a physical address, then you should probably steer clear of it. Any professional contractor should have a physical address that can be found.


What kind of staff does the snow contractor hire? Is it full-time staff or part-time? How experienced is the staff? These are factors that could determine the level of service you are likely to receive. Don’t be afraid to ask the contractor these questions. If there is a website, check it to find out more or make a phone-call if there is an office.


The equipment is probably one of the most important things you should consider. The type of equipment the contractor uses will determine the cost and quality of the service. Plow trucks tend to break down frequently, and this can affect the contractor’s ability to carry out the promised service. Ask if the contractor has backup equipment or if they are relying on just one vehicle. Although the best equipment can mean a higher price, it is worth paying knowing that you will receive the best possible service.


Talk to previous clients of your contractor or look for reviews online. This is one of the best ways to know what you might be getting for your money. Ask friends or neighbours who they are using. The best contractors often get marketed by word of mouth. Hopefully the reviewers should not have a vested interest in recommending the contractor. They can tell you the specific things that you need to know.

Call Many Companies

Call at least three companies of a similar size and compare. Don’t go with the first company that is available, shop around a bit. Sometimes you might be able to get some discounts or special offers. There are many companies offering this service, so you don’t have to go with the first one that you come across. Snow removal companies vary in size, quality of service and cost. It is only by doing a little research you can come up with a shortlist of the best ones to hire that are within your budget.

Read The Contract

Read the contract thoroughly before you sign and make sure there are no surprises. The contract is going to be the first point of reference for anything, so be sure to read the details. Verbal agreement is not enough; you should always have everything documented in writing.

Snow removal is necessary but it doesn’t have to be costly. The best way to protect yourself is to gather as much information as possible about the company and the services it offers. Always read the contract and shop around. If you would like more information about snow removal, or you are thinking about buying equipment, then give us a call or browse our website to look at our catalogue. Best of all, come visit us! With the right services you don’t have to worry about the winter.

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snow removal

Ergonomic Snow Removal Techniques

Shovelling snow is never fun, but it doesn’t have to be a strain on your body. You can shovel snow without hurting your back if you use the right equipment and the right techniques. Whether you are going high tech or low tech, snow removal can be a lot easier than you might think. Here are a few ergonomic snow removal techniques that are worth trying for this coming winter season.

Use A Snow Blower

The snow blower is as easy as it gets when it comes to removing snow. It is great for those who have back problems or other conditions that prevent them from removing snow manually. It is great for clearing away dense, compacted snow and has a chute from which the snow can be expelled.

Types Of Snow Blowers

Snow Blowers come in two types: single-stage and two-stage. Single-stage snow blowers both move the snow into the machine and expel it. They are more suitable for suburban homes and neighbourhood sidewalks. Two-stage snow blowers remove snow in two distinct phases: the first phase involves breaking up the snow before sucking it into the impeller and then blowing it out the shoot. This machine is more suitable for heavy-duty snow removal, such as snow that is more than a foot high.

Use An Electric Shovel

An electric shovel is a good alternative to a conventional shovel or snow blower. They are lightweight, efficient and easy to use. You don’t have to have strong arms to use them and even if you do, they won’t be tested as with a regular shovel. Electric shovels are also great for people with disabilities and seniors. Compared to snow blowers, they are easier to maintain and do not require fuel. Shovels come in various sizes, so pick one that suits your own size, budget and physical ability.

Push The Snow

It is easier to push snow than to lift it. For pushing to be effective you need to use a shove that is as wide as possible. Preferably it should be made out of plastic and not heavier materials like wood or metal. If you are creating a large pile of snow, then make sure it is not a great distance from you.

Work With Your Knees And Not Your Back

When pushing or lifting snow, you should bend your knees and keep your back straight. If you aren’t sure if you are lifting correctly, see if you can feel the weight on your knees. That said, you shouldn’t put pressure on your knees if they are in a bad condition. Shovel snow only if you are in a relatively fit condition.

Take Breaks In Between

When removing snow, take short, frequent breaks to give your body the maximum energy to keep going. By resting frequently you can get more done over a longer period of time and without the risk of injury.

Warm Up

Stay warm without overheating. The cold is going to make your muscles tight, and this could increase your risk of injury if you don’t warm up beforehand. It doesn’t have to be anything lengthy, but just enough to get the blood flowing. Also, make sure that you don’t have on too many layers, because movement will naturally make you warmer. You can risk sweating if you do, and this could make you colder because of moisture. Also, keep hydrated. Just because it is cold doesn’t mean that you don’t need water.

Turn Your Whole Body

Try not to twist your body, instead turn your whole body when you are throwing snow. Twisting your body can cause unnecessary strain and increase your risk of injury. Work within your limit and do not overextend yourself.

Use A Good Shovel

Shovels have various shapes and sizes. If you like pushing snow, it is better to use a longer shovel. If you are lifting snow, use a shovel with a shorter handle. Be sure that the handle fits your hands to avoid unnecessary injury or strain. Deeply curved shovels are especially suited for removing a lot of snow.

Whether you decide to go high tech or traditional, snow removal doesn’t have to be as difficult as it first appears. While it will never be one of the most fun things to do in winter, it doesn’t have to be something that is risky. Use the right shovel in accordance with your physical state and practise good techniques. If you cannot remove snow at all, then you can enlist the help of a friend or hire a snow removal company. They can remove your snow efficiently for a reasonable fee. If you would like to find out more about snow removal techniques or equipment, give us a call or visit our website for products and information. Our staff will be happy to help you find something that suits your needs.

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11 Essential Safety Tips For Proper Snow Removal

It’s soon going to be that time of year again; people will soon be swapping their T-shirts and flip flops for heavy coats and winter boots. And instead of hiking or swimming, they will have to be shovelling snow. Removing snow from your home is not the most fun activity, but it is a necessary one— it can also be a dangerous one if it is not done correctly. Shovelling snow is not an activity that should be taken lightly and the number of injuries and hospitalizations related to this activity can attest to that. If you keep the following safety tips in mind, you can keep your home snow free without risking injury.

Safety Tips For Proper Snow Removal

  1. Shovel Only When You Can
  2. While shovelling snow is considered to be a neighbourly gesture, it is not something you should force yourself to do if you are not physically able. If you are easily prone to injury or you have a physical condition that impedes you from performing this task, refrain from doing it. If possible, hire a snow-removal service company to do the job.

  3. Pick the Right Shovel
  4. Pick the right shovel for the job and for your size. If you use a shovel that is too big or too small for you, you risk injuring yourself due to strain or bad posture. As a general rule, snow shovels should be lightweight and the spade not too large.

  5. Dress Appropriately
  6. Dress warmly when you go outside to shovel snow. But if you are going to be shovelling a lot of snow, don’t overdress, as you might find yourself overheating from the strenuous activity. Dress as you would if you were jogging in the cold. Wear boots that offer good traction when working in snow.

  7. Warm Up
  8. As you would before exercise, warm up your muscles. This can help you prevent injuries later on. Also do a bit of stretching if you can.

  9. Push Instead of Lifting
  10. When you are shovelling snow it is always easier to push instead of lifting snow. Lifting snow puts more strain on your body and is less efficient. To avoid lifting, make sure the pile of snow you are creating is within a short distance (not more than a few feet).

  11. Pace Yourself
  12. Don’t go too fast, instead go at a reasonable pace so that you don’t tire easily. Ideally, snow removal is an activity that should be done when you have the time (which is usually not before you go to work), but don’t try to overdo it.

  13. Drink Water
  14. When you’re cold, you are much less inclined to drink water. However, it is still important to stay hydrated even in winter (perhaps even more so), so drink plenty of water when you are engaging in any physical activity. Sports drinks are a good alternative.

  15. Bend Your Knees
  16. Always bend your knees when you are shovelling snow. Make sure the stress goes to your legs, rather than your back. Also, avoid twisting: point your entire body in the general direction of where you want to toss the snow (if you must toss).

  17. Choose the Right Chemicals
  18. There are chemicals that are available to help with snow removal. While they offer convenience, the downside is that they contain chemicals that pose a potential danger to you and/or your pets. Chloride is a common chemical in snow removal products and can irritate and even poison animals that come into contact with it. Use pet- or eco- friendly products instead.

  19. Watch for Ice
  20. Snow is not the only thing you have to worry about, ice presents just as much a problem—and you often won’t know until it is too late. Assume that the area is icy and take appropriate action, such as using salt. Of course, use environmentally friendly salt.

  21. Work From The Ground
  22. If you are attempting to remove snow from your roof, work from the ground. Keep clear of the area where the snow is expected to land and use an instrument that is long enough to allow you to maneuver safely.

Shovelling isn’t the most fun chore, but it can at least be a good workout if you do it safely. Like any other strenuous activity, safety is important. Stay warm, hydrated and practise good posture. Do not do more than what you are able to do and be especially safe when you are removing snow from the roof or if there is ice. If you would like any more advice on snow removal or snow removal products, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We can help you find the right tools to get the job done safely and efficiently. Browse our website or give us a call for a free consultation.

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Snow Removal Products And Practices That Are Safe For You And Your Pets

Winter is coming again and, naturally, people resort to known snow removal practices, often utilizing snow removal products. While these products might be effective against snow, they can also have a negative impact on your pets. The chemicals used in snow removal products are often harmful to plants and animals.

There are safer products you can use, but the best way to remove snow is by doing it manually. It’s the only foolproof way of guaranteeing your pet’s safety while keeping snow off the path. Similarly, people tend to resort to old habits when shovelling snow, which may not be the safest ways. Read on for tips on preventing you and your pets from harm while removing snow effectively.

Pet-Safe Snow Removal Products:

Dogs and cats are generally sensitive to ice and cold, especially when their paws touch with ice. Snow removal products often contain chemicals that can irritate the skin in direct contact; they can also be poisonous if ingested. Additionally, salt between an animal’s paws can get pretty hot.

Dogs Naturally Magazine discusses some of the chemicals you should be aware of when looking for a pet-friendly product.


Chloride is by far the most dangerous chemical used in snow removal (it’s also the cheapest). All of the varieties of chloride should be avoided.

Calcium Magnesium Acetate

Although it’s a relatively safer ice melter, the drawback is that it is not very effective and it doesn’t last as long as other products. It’s still a toxic product and should be used with caution.

Modified Crystalline Carbonyl Diamide

This ingredient is one of the safer products. It can successfully absorb moisture without causing unwanted side effects.

Eco Safe Glycol

This ice melting chemical comes with traction agents and special inhibitors for added safety.


If you are using colorants, make sure that they are food grade.


This is an eco-friendly product that is being marketed by Ecotraction. According to the company’s website, the products is not only safe but good for the environment.

Finally, you might want to think about putting shoes on your pet. If you can find an appropriate size (and your dog takes to it) then this might be one of the safest ways to walk your dog in areas where the chemical is present.

Safe and Ergonomic Snow Shovelling

Sometimes it’s best to simply do it the old fashioned way: grab a shovel and just start digging. Of course, there is a safe way to do this. Removing snow is one of the leading causes of back injuries during the winter season. Here are some of the precautionary measures you should take:

Pick Your Shovel Wisely

Select a shovel with an adjustable handle. If you handle a shovel that is not appropriate for your size, you risk injuring yourself.

Loosen Your Muscles

Snow removal is hard work, so treat it like exercise. Warm up your muscles before you begin. This can be a brisk walk and/or a few stretches.

Push Rather Than Lift

Avoid lifting snow and carrying it across a distance. Instead, push the snow wherever you choose to pile it up.

Proper Lifting Techniques

  • Your body should always be facing the snow you are going to lift. Keep your shoulders square.
  • Bend your knees and make sure that the bulk of the weight falls on your knees rather than your back. (One way to know that you are lifting properly is if your legs are tired.)
  • Go for small amounts at a time rather than large amounts. It requires more stamina but it is safer than trying to do too much at one time.
  • Keep one hand on the handle and another as close to the blade as possible. This allows for the most efficient use of energy and strength.
  • Don’t attempt to toss the snow on the heap, walk instead—make sure you have the pile as close as possible. Use a wheelbarrow if you must, but don’t strain yourself trying to use feats of strength. If you must throw snow, then have you feet pointed in the direction you are tossing the snow.

Alternatives to Shovelling

If shovelling is a risky activity for you, you can use a snowblower. Another alternative is to hire a snow removal company. It might cost a little, but it is the most convenient thing to do­—just make sure that they use chemicals that are pet-friendly or none at all. You can book a snow removal service as early as possible. Check with the weather reports; if there is an impending snow storm then it is a good idea to book a service ahead of time.

You don’t have to use dangerous chemicals to remove snow effectively; there are safe alternatives if you take time to look for them. Avoid chloride in any snow removal product and take care to keep the ice and snow out of your pet’s paws. Likewise, look out for your back when shovelling—use our shovelling tips to avoid unnecessary strain. For more information about snow removal, don’t hesitate to contact us. Alternatively browse our website for a better look at our products.

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