This backyard renovation features a stone front entrance and circular deck, the perfect extension of your home.
The retaining wall in the back yard brought a leveled back yard to maximize space usage.
Managing the slope with retaining walls allowed for a level space to add usable space.
Adding strategic plantings in the gardens around the yard create a beautiful space all year round.
Mixing stone from the retaining wall with a stepping block give a classy look to the entrance of the back yard.
The patio area coming off the deck uses stone block with colour matches to the stone on the deck walls.
A handy storage space with door was added below the raised deck. This is a perfect spot to store your gardening tools and lawn equipment.
The deck railings are all constructed in no maintenance materials, therefore not requiring refinishing every few years.
The deck was designed to extend past the house with a lowered round extension.
Deck stairs were designed to follow the curve of the deck.
The deck was designed with a round lowered sitting area and was finished with curved aluminum railings.
With a small slope in the front yard, the sidewalk was designed with a small retaining wall which made for a perfect front garden area.
The large raised deck brought privacy to the family and relaxing space while maintaining the view.
Gaining a more level yard, storage and a low maintenance deck made for a larger grass space for the family activities.