Category : Gardening


How To Master The Art Of Edible Landscaping

Landscaping doesn’t always have to be a purely aesthetic exercise. Your garden can potentially supplement your food diet and help you to live a healthier lifestyle (not to mention reduce your food bill). Hence the reason why it is good to master the art of edible landscaping. Your garden can have a variety of produce: fruits, herbs and vegetables. Depending on what you plan on growing, you can try different methods and styles. This is a chance for you to be quite creative with your garden.

Vegetable Gardens

Vegetable gardens do not have to be bland; they can be both practical and stylish. You can plant certain vegetables together according to their looks. For example, cabbage and cauliflower go very well together due to their colours. You can plant them in blocks and clusters as opposed to traditional rows. You can also plant them inside containers and boxes.

If you are worried about shade, there are lots of vegetables that grow well without direct exposure to the sun: cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, lettuce, spinach, beans and radishes are all options for you.

You can plant your vegetables in all sorts of spaces. Pole beans, for example, can be planted along arbors and fences.

Fruit Trees

The idea of growing fruit trees might seem a bit impractical if you don’t have a lot of space to work with. But there are now miniature fruit trees commercially available, so it is possible to enjoy fruit even if you don’t have a huge backyard. They can be grown in barrels or pots. Strawberries can be used for edging by just planting them around the flower beds. Strawberries are especially beautiful in spring as they grow white flowers that become russet in fall.


Herbs are well known for their medicinal and nutritional benefits, but don’t discount their decorative ability. Herbs now come in a variety of colours other than traditional green and can make good foliage for your garden. Rosemary is a popular herb that can add some flavour to your garden. If you are looking for something that can withstand hot and dry weather then thyme would be a good bet. Not only is it a good plant for groundcover, it also exudes a fragrant smell.

Herbs can be mixed well with flowers and interior decorations. Some examples are basil, tarragon, plants and chives.

With time and practice, you can find out the combination that works best for your garden. For advice or ideas, consult our staff or visit us online for more information. You can find out about new techniques or tools available. There are lots of resources you can utilize to make the most of your gardening project.

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Getting Your Garden Ready For Spring

Spring is just around the corner, and that is good news for garden enthusiasts who want to see beautiful flowers and plants in their backyards instead of snow. But before you jump into the gardening, there are some things you need to do in order to make the most of your garden.

Spring-Ready Garden

Take Stock of Your Tools and Supplies

Make sure that you have adequate supplies for gardening: shovel, hoe, gloves, wheelbarrow and anything else that you know you use or might use to cultivate your garden. Inspect the tools that you do have for any signs of decay or damage. Check metal tools for rust and for wooden tools check for splits and cracks.

Inspect the Garden Bed

The harsh winter weather could easily damage your garden bed, so it is a good idea to repair or replace any damage to the frame. Also check for weeds that might have grown. Weeds can be your garden’s biggest enemy so make sure they are fully uprooted before you begin sowing.

Break up the Ground

The ground would have been frozen solid by the cold winter so you need to loosen it up. This can be hard work but it is important to make sure that your garden has the best environment to grow in. A rototiller would be a good tool for this. Alternatively you can use a hoe, shovel or pick.

Fertilize the Soil

Make sure that your soil is adequately fertilized. You can use commercial fertilizer or compost you might have accumulated. Just spread the compost over the top of the soil.

Shift around Perennials

Spring is a good opportunity to put some variety into your garden by trading plants. Just make sure that whatever plants you trade in are healthy, you don’t want to take the risk of cultivating unhealthy plants as they can ruin your entire garden.

Plant Vegetables Early

Some seeds actually germinate better in cooler weather so make sure you take advantage of the favourable spring conditions. After you sow, prune away any foliage to ensure that the seeds grow successfully.

Protect Your Plants

Spring can still bring on late spates of frost and snow. Prepare your plants for this by covering them in plastic and cloth. Check the weather forecast for any freezing weather and take action early.

Sometimes you might find yourself short of supplies or in need of some advice. If you have a local garden supplier, you can ask them about any new tools or information that can be useful. Our team at Infinity Gardens is available to offer their assistance, guidance and insight.

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Brighten up your Garden With These Winter Flowers

Fresh flowers are some of the best parts of spring and summer, so why stop now that winter’s here? Don’t let the cold weather keep you from having a bright and vibrant garden that’s sure to lift anyone’s mood. We’ve listed some plants that thrive all throughout the year, so let’s get started!

Winter Flower

Rhododendron Barbatum
The barbatum blooms much like other rhododendrons, which is in small clusters formed by even smaller flowers all pointing outwards as if they were arranged carefully by a florist.

A common colour for the barbatum bloom is red, making it just right for the Valentine season amid the white snow. This plant is a bit harder to find, although it’s not so exotic to be banned by law, so take the time to look out for it in stores, or consider asking your local nursery to have it shipped to your location.

Be careful where you plant it though, because it can only take as much as -15℃ of the cold, so if you’re far up North, this plant is better kept indoors.

Cornus Mas or Cornelian Cherry
The cornus mas is a perennial plant that can withstand temperatures of -25℃, making it a hardy choice for many Canadian gardens. It flowers even when the leaves have fallen off most deciduous trees, causing its bright yellow, trumpet-shaped blooms to stand out in the garden. By the time summer rolls around, the plant will produce clusters of cherries, which actually resemble grapes more, although the taste is still sour like a cherry.

Galanthus Nivalis or Snowdrop
The common snowdrop cultivar probably wouldn’t be considered a perennial because it’s a plant that grows from bulbs. As such, the average height of the plant doesn’t usually grow to be very tall, but instead it’s a delicate flower that can be hard to spot individually. In nature, many bulbs are found in close proximity of each other, carpeting the ground in this lovely flower with an orchid-like bloom: three petals form an outer ring and the centre forms another shape with the inner petals.

Other plants which bloom throughout the cold winter months include:

  • Erica carnea
  • Edgeworthia chrysantha
  • Prunus mume

These are just some of the plants that we’ve seen in bloom outside of summer and in Canada, although there are more to be found. Keep nature and its beauty near you year-round in your garden and in your home with fresh cut flowers and potted plants!

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Making The Most Of Your Small Patio

More and more people are flocking to Canada’s urban centres, making usable yard space (or lack there-of) more of an issue than ever before. Fortunately, there are many innovative ways to make your small patio unique, beautiful, and functional!

Install a Garden

Just because you don’t have a large yard, doesn’t mean you have to go without a garden. There are many ways to incorporate plants into your small patio which will bring an entirely new value to your space.

If you’re looking to get the most out of your dollar, hiring a professional is a must. They’ll be able to create a garden oasis no matter what size area you’re working with. However, if you’re working on a budget, there are still a few small improvements you can create yourself:

  • Mount canning jars on your wall to build an herb garden
  • Use repurposed wooden pallets to house herbs and cascading plants
  • Incorporate vines and cascading plants into the structure of your patio
  • Hang planters to create a vertical garden
  • Use repurposed items like cement blocks, wooden crates, birdcages, pails, and whatever else the flea market has to offer to create unique planters with a vintage vibe
  • Use a small shelving unit to house your potted plants

When building your patio garden, always think vertically to maximize the space. It’s amazing what can be accomplished with a little creativity!

Invest in the Proper Patio Furniture

The amount of patio furniture you can have depends on the size of your patio, and what you’d like to use it for. Benches are a great space saver because they can be built against the wall and create a more open area in the middle.

Here are a few other ideas for compact patio furniture:

  • Multi-tasking furniture:
  • Having a bench or ottoman double as storage for gardening supplies and other small items is a great way economize your space.

  • Collapsible furniture:
  • If your patio is usually used by just one or two people, all you may want is a bench or nook to sit in. However if you have company, you’ll likely need more. Collapsible furniture is useful for those occasions because once you’re done, you can just put it away and still enjoy your space.

Stores that sell patio furniture usually have lots of options for smaller spaces. Do research online and in-store to find what suits your aesthetic, and comfort.

Don’t Forget the Décor

Don’t sacrifice décor just because you have a small space! Like gardens, thinking vertically and using wall space is the key to maximizing your patio’s potential.

  • Repurposed items:
  • Using antiques or other ‘junk’ items is a great way to recycle and give your space a unique look.

  • Hanging items:
  • If you have any sort of ceiling—perhaps lattice or canopy—items like birdcages or wind chimes will hardly take up any space.

  • Mirrors:
  • Incorporating a mirror into your patio will make the space appear larger.

The key to getting the most out of your small patio is creativity and experimentation. Just because your patio is small, doesn’t mean it can’t be the patio of your dreams! For the best results, consult a professional. Companies like Infinity Gardens are able to make a mountain out of the smallest backyard molehills, giving you a beautiful space in even the smallest areas. Contact our team today to find out more!

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Peonies, Paeonia species, whose grandmother did not have some of these?

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Gardening, Landscaping, Lawn Care

Organic Weed Killer

weed killer

Organic Home Made Weed Killer
As many of us know today, chemical herbicides are non eco friendly

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Gardening, Landscaping, Lawn Care

Creeping Bell Flower

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Creeping Bell flower or European Bell flower is an invasive,
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Gardening, Landscaping, Plant Disease

Black Knot Fungus on Mayday trees and Schubert Chokecherries

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Black knot  (Dibotryon morbosum) is a fungal infection that is

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Gardening, Landscaping

Shade Planting


Shady, damp areas are often a difficult place to maintain a garden.  Coniferous (cone bearing trees) tend to create a rather acid soil

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Gardening, Landscaping, Planning

Annual Planting

IMG_1496 (2)Gardeners look forward to the bright, instant flash of colour annual flowering plants bring to their planters and  flower beds.  The number of cultivars available to the home or commercial gardener is truly abundant.

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