Erin Rector – Infinity Gardens Latest news and articles Mon, 15 Aug 2016 09:15:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How Clean Is Your Patio? Mon, 15 Aug 2016 09:15:18 +0000 Many people don’t bother giving their patios a good cleaning because they figure it’s outside and nature will wash everything anyway. Unfortunately, nature has other plans for your patio. You can extend the life of your patio by cleaning it a few times a year. So, how clean is your patio? If you don’t know […]

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Many people don’t bother giving their patios a good cleaning because they figure it’s outside and nature will wash everything anyway. Unfortunately, nature has other plans for your patio. You can extend the life of your patio by cleaning it a few times a year. So, how clean is your patio? If you don’t know the answer, then it’s time for a scrub down. The whole patio cleaning adventure shouldn’t take more than an hour unless your patio is in particularly bad shape.

How Clean Is Your Patio?

Before you get started see if you have the following materials in the house. You may need to visit a home and garden or hardware store to stock up.

You will need:

  • Hose or pressure washer
  • Bucket of warm water
  • Dish soap
  • Soft brush
  • Stiff brush
  • Empty spray bottle
  • Paper towels
  • Fabric protector spray
  • Borax
  • Bar of heavy duty laundry soap
  • Broom
  • Kitchen knife or small hand shovel
  • Rubber gloves or other gloves you can use to protect your hands

Start at the surface

First you will need to clear of the patio. You can also use this time to get rid of anything you don’t use anymore. Create three piles; keep, give away and trash. Place items accordingly and keep them away from the patio while you’re cleaning.

Put your gloves on and with your kitchen knife or hand shovel, remove any weeds that have grown up around the patio area. If you’re worried about weeds coming back you can pour salt between the tiles, but do that after you’re done cleaning.

Now that you’ve taken care of the weeds, it’s time to sweep the patio to get rid of any debris and dirt that has accumulated. Once you’ve swept, it’s time to get out the hose or the pressure washer. Rinse the patio down and ensure that you are keeping the spray nozzle at the same distance from the ground to get a uniform cleaning. If you’ve never used a pressure washer before, be careful and read the instructions. They are very powerful.

If your patio is only moderately dirty, water from the hose or pressure washer will be enough to get rid of dirt. On the other hand, if your patio hasn’t been cleaned a long time, you will need to use your stiff scrub brush to really get the grime off. Use the bucket of soapy water and get to work. Then, use the hose or pressure washer again. Repeat as necessary. (If you have to repeat this process more than once, you should probably take this as a sign that you need to clean your patio more often.)

Before you put your patio furniture back in place, you should give it a good cleaning too. Here’s how:

Furniture’s time to shine

To thoroughly clean your furniture mix a cleaning solution of 1 teaspoon Borax, 1 teaspoon of dish soap and ½ cup warm water. Put the cleaning solution in a spray bottle.

Remove cushions from patio furniture and saturate both sides with the cleaning solution. Don’t be shy with the cleaning solution either. Really spray it on the cushions and between the crevices and creases to get the mold and mildew off. Wait about 15 minutes for the solution to sit and then spray the cushions with your hose to ensure that all the dirt is gone.

Let your cushions dry until they are damp. If it’s a hot day, this will take no time at all. Once your cushions have gone from wet to damp add the fabric protector.

If your cushions are made of canvas, do not add the fabric protector. Instead, when the cushions are still damp rub your soft scrub brush across the bar of heavy duty laundry soap. Then, run the bar across the canvas cushions. Heavy duty laundry soap is also great for awnings that are covered in bird droppings. After you’ve rubbed the scrub brush across the canvas you’ll need to run the hose over the cushions again before letting them dry for good.

Plastic patio furniture is probably the easiest to clean since all it takes is soap and water. Scrub it down and then hose it off. You can use the cleaning solution if you want, but usually the dirt on plastic furniture comes right off with regular dish soap and warm water.

Wood furniture probably requires the most care when cleaning. You’ll need to use a cleaner that is safe for wood. Moreover, you may have to sand, stain or repaint the furniture altogether.

Once your cushions and furniture are dry, put them back on the patio. Now you can sit back with a nice cold drink and admire the great cleaning job you did.

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Tips To Get Your Garden Ready For Fall Mon, 01 Aug 2016 09:19:21 +0000 Before the first hint of a chill hits the air, before you get out the sweaters and pumpkin spice lattés, you should get your garden ready for fall. If you’re not sure how, try our tips to prepare your garden for that crisp autumn air. Spring into autumn Before the ground freezes, you should plant […]

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Before the first hint of a chill hits the air, before you get out the sweaters and pumpkin spice lattés, you should get your garden ready for fall. If you’re not sure how, try our tips to prepare your garden for that crisp autumn air.

Tips To Get Your Garden Ready For Fall

Spring into autumn

Before the ground freezes, you should plant your spring bulbs. Spring bulbs need to be planted early so that they are able to grow properly. For best results, ensure that your spring bulbs are planted at the end of summer or at least by mid-October. After that you risk dealing with frozen ground and soil that is less than kind.

Play doctor with your plants

Any plant that is dead by fall has the chance to infect your entire garden. Get rid of diseased or expired foliage before autumn hits, otherwise you can have an outbreak in your garden that carries over into next season. You don’t have to get rid of the entire infected plant, but you will need to trim away dead or sick stems and leaves. The same goes for weeds. Get rid of them now, otherwise you’ll be dealing with them in the fall.

Stake your trees

If you’ve planted trees in the summer, you’ll need to stake them before fall is upon us. Newly planted trees may not be strong enough to deal with the wind and rain that fall brings, but staking them will help them stay put. Depending on where you live, you may even see snow in the fall. Staking your new trees before autumn is a great way to ensure they remain intact as they grow.

Give your perennials a haircut

Perennials, once they’ve gone dormant, will need to be trimmed. Before fall hits, give your perennials a good pruning. If the stems and leaves of your perennials have not turned brown or yellow yet, you can wait to give them a cut. However, at the onset of any discolouration, it’s time to get out the pruning shears. Now is also a good time to divide up dormant perennials.

Mulch it up

Garden beds need to retain moisture, especially as temperatures drop. Mulch your garden beds at the end of summer so that they’re ready for fall. Also spread compost over your vegetable garden to make sure that it’ll be prepared for the temperature fluctuations that come with autumn. Plus, mulching and compost spreading ensures that your garden will be ready to be dug into come spring.

Don’t stop planting

Just because fall’s around the corner, doesn’t mean you have to stop planting. Many people take a hiatus from their garden as summer dies down, because they feel nothing will grow when the weather changes. This is simply not true. Your garden can be ongoing year-round. Although you don’t have to deal with it during the snowy season, you can still plant in the fall for spring.

Give your tools a bath

Garden tools can rust or stop working as effectively when they’re dirty. Take the time to give your tools a good cleaning before fall. Ideally, you should be cleaning your tools before the onset of each season but many of us forget. So, since you’re already preparing your garden for fall, you might as well give your tools a bath too. Make sure that everything is nice and dry before you leave it for the season.

Set a reminder

Many people neglect to water their garden during fall because they assume the rain will take care of it. If it rains daily where you live, this won’t be a problem. However, if you’re lucky enough to enjoy a warmer than usual fall, then you’ll need to remember to water your garden. Set reminders for yourself so you don’t forget to water your plants. You should also set another reminder to remind yourself to take in any clay pots you have in your garden. You do not want those left outside in the fall or winter. They will become damaged and you’ll have to get new ones. Save yourself the headache and the money by taking your clay pots in before fall.

For the birds

Fall brings beautiful birds with incredible plumage. If you don’t have a bird feeder, you can make your own DIY version or purchase one at your local dollar store. Set up a bird feeder in your backyard and as soon as autumn hits, you’ll notice gorgeous feathered creatures will be flocking to say hello. Just remember to add bird seed regularly, otherwise the birds will stop coming back.

Get your garden ready for fall now, so you don’t have to worry about it when the ground starts to freeze.

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The Perfect Patio For Your Home Mon, 27 Jun 2016 09:29:24 +0000 With warm weather comes the urge to lounge outside, but if you do not have a patio it can be tough to get comfortable. Whether extravagant or low key, we can help you build the patio of your dreams. The process does not have to be difficult – it will just take a little planning […]

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With warm weather comes the urge to lounge outside, but if you do not have a patio it can be tough to get comfortable. Whether extravagant or low key, we can help you build the patio of your dreams. The process does not have to be difficult – it will just take a little planning and a lot of love.

Start with a Plan

Functionality is essential when it comes to outdoor patios. You want to create a space you want to live in during the summer months, not look at from a distance. Have you ever noticed the way that crowds tend to break into smaller groups to chat at parties? Your space should accommodate people’s patterns and behaviour, so create clusters of seats that focus around an interesting center piece. Also allow for extra space around tables and furniture so people can walk comfortably beside and behind furniture instead of having to squeeze.

Another idea: do not build your patio directly outside of your back door. This does not utilize yard space adequately and keeps family members and guests from enjoy farther out parts of your property.

Low Maintenance is Key

Life is busy as it is. You should not have to worry too much about the upkeep of your patio. Instead, design a low-maintenance space that let’s you actually live in the space. Make sure the furniture is durable in all different types of weather, that you choose the proper stone or brick for your climate and that the space is easy to clean and not cluttered.Your patio should be an extension of your house, without any extensive maintenance.

Make it Cozy

Your patio is a place where you will want to take an afternoon nap, so create an atmosphere that you love to relax in after a hard day’s work or on weekends. Use comfortable accents like textured pillows and blankets to amp up your patio’s snooze appeal. Another way to make your patio more cozy is to slightly enclose it for the rest of your year. Make it a room within your yard by utilizing shrubs, trees, flowers and even wood or wrought-iron fencing.

Create Shade

Shade is necessary, especially on a hot summer day. Picture this: you holding a cool drink sitting outside on your exquisite new patio – without the skin damage caused by UV rays. Protect your skin by building a full or partial roof, or by placing a couple large umbrellas in certain areas of your space for shelter. If possible during the planning stage, position your patio away from direct sunlight.


Now let us discuss the centerpiece of your patio. Heat up your space and the atmosphere with an outdoor fireplace or firepit. Having one will not only provide warmth and comfort after the sun goes down, but it will also add to the cozy vibe of your patio. Guests will want to stay longer. S’mores will have to be eaten. Stories will definitely be told. If you do not have room for a fireplace or pit, large pillar candles, although not as heat-producing, will also do wonders for creating an amazing ambiance.

Bring the Indoors Outside

Is there someone in your life who cannot miss a sports game? Have you ever wanted to watch a movie outdoors? If you answered yes to either or both of these questions you may want to bring the electric side of your indoor space to the backyard. If power is available, mount a television set on an exterior wall. Go even further by installing a speaker system and lighting.

Create a color palette

Choosing the right colours makes all the difference. where you situate your patio will help you determine your colour scheme. If you position your patio around a flower garden, consider choosing colours that complement the colour of your flowers. If your patio is not situated amongst flowers, choose colours that create a sense of calm and serenity, like blues and neutral tones. But, you will see from our next tip, that we kind of have a thing for flowers.

Decorate with Flowers

Plants and flowers do wonders to amplify your patio’s natural beauty. Create a lush atmosphere filled with life and energy by planting some luscious flowers, succulents or cacti in and around your patio grounds. Perennials are also great options, as they require little maintenance. Once you put in the work the first time around, they grow back every season!

Paint the Floor

A quirky, yet polished design idea is painting your patio floor. Get creative and paint a solid colour, stripes, symbol or illustration on your patio bricks, stones or wood planking.

If you are looking for a deck or patio or any other landscaping project, call Infinity Gardens today at 587-315-3273 or contact us by email at to find out more.

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8 Ideas For An Outdoor Kitchen Mon, 06 Jun 2016 09:29:22 +0000 The only thing better than sharing an amazing homemade meal with your family and friends is preparing it outdoors under the summer sky. Whether you live in a climate that is warm or a little on the cooler side, you can still enjoy the luxury of an outdoor kitchen. Being stuck inside on a warm […]

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The only thing better than sharing an amazing homemade meal with your family and friends is preparing it outdoors under the summer sky. Whether you live in a climate that is warm or a little on the cooler side, you can still enjoy the luxury of an outdoor kitchen.

Being stuck inside on a warm evening while your guests socialize outside is not fun. There is often discussion about bringing the outdoors inside, so why not try bringing the indoors outside? An outdoor kitchen might be exactly the project you have been wanting to accomplish this summer.

Functional Layout and Storage

Functionality is an essential component for building a successful outdoor kitchen. Just as you would design your ideal indoor kitchen in a way to increase flow and productivity, with cupboards and appliances in locations where they make the most sense, you can do the same with your outdoor kitchen. Depending on space, create a U-shaped, L-shaped or rectangular kitchen that will best serve your cooking style.

Work with a designer and/or architect to come up with a layout with both functionality and storage capabilities – you don’t want to run inside every time you need a pot or pan. Think of an outdoor kitchen as a completely separate entity for your indoor one, in need of both cooking and dining ware.


A dark kitchen is never easy for a chef to work in and you don’t want to limit your outdoor cooking and entertaining possibilities to daylight hours. Make sure to consider lighting in your new outdoor space. Be creative with it – try fixtures and shapes you would not try indoors. Although your outdoor space is an extension of your indoor design, with open air comes a more flexible aesthetic. What may not work indoors might be a perfect fit in your outdoor kitchen.

Pair Alongside Garden or Pool

If you have a garden or pool in your backyard, consider installing your outdoor kitchen beside them. This will create tasteful cohesion in your yard as well as allow family members and guests to enjoy both spaces simultaneously. Swim in the morning and then prepare lunch at noon without even having to go indoors. Summer is for outdoor living and this is how you capitalize on its warm weather and cloudless, storm-free days – and nights.


Consider installing a fireplace in your outdoor kitchen or adjacent dining area. An outdoor fireplace, whether wood-burning or electric, will provide needed warmth and comfort for cool summer nights. Spark up your fireplace to dine outside with your guests, long into the late hours of the night.

Gourmet Grill

The grill, the mecca of summer cooking and entertaining, should be the focal point of any outdoor kitchen. Although this might seem obvious, allot for an adequate amount of your appliance budget for a grill. A grill is not an afterthought – it is a way of life for outdoor chefs. If possible, find a professional grade one that heats up quickly, like this gas and charcoal grill from Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet. You will be happy you went the extra mile in this department when you start cooking in your outdoor kitchen.

Pizza Oven

Fire it up! To all the pizza lovers out there, what is better than a freshly grilled wood-oven pizza? Well, maybe, delicious wood-oven pizza cooked and enjoyed in the comfort of your outdoor kitchen? If you like a good pie, consider designing your outdoor kitchen to include a pizza oven. Not only are they lovely to look at, but they will create endless summer fun for you and your family.

Wine and Beer Fridge

Cool drinks are essential on hot summer days. Make sure your kitchen is equipped with proper refrigeration for both food and beverages. This will save you time from having to run back and forth between your indoor fridge, as well as make beverages easily accessible while entertaining. Also, consider installing a built-in cooler specifically for beer, water and other bottled drinks.

Sink and Dishwasher

Make cleaning up simple with an outdoor sink and dishwasher. Lugging all your dirty pots, pans, glasses and dinnerware inside is a total drag. Reduce cleaning time and hassle by having everything you need to prepare, eat and clean up a meal in your outdoor kitchen. Cooking outdoors becomes a hassle when you have to dirty your indoor kitchen as well just to wash dishes.

If you are interested in the possibilities of equipping your homes with an outdoor kitchen, call Infinity Gardens today at 587-315-3273 or send us an email at for more information.

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Budget Friendly Garden Design Ideas Mon, 30 May 2016 09:11:02 +0000 There is no need to empty your bank account in order to update your garden. Spruce up your backyard with a few easy and budget-friendly design ideas. Plant With Perennials Although perennials may cost you a little more in the beginning, they return year after year, making them the essential budget-friendly flower choice. You can […]

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There is no need to empty your bank account in order to update your garden. Spruce up your backyard with a few easy and budget-friendly design ideas.

Plant With Perennials

Although perennials may cost you a little more in the beginning, they return year after year, making them the essential budget-friendly flower choice. You can fill your garden with these beauties and not have to worry about spending money on new plants each spring. Beautiful perennials that are hearty enough to survive the Calgary climate include: Peony, Bearded Iris, Sea Lavender, Blue Flax, Daylily, the Iceland Poppy, and a variety of succulent rosettes and ornamental grasses.

To start, decide on one of two different design approaches for perennial flowers: a single-color floral garden or a combination-colour garden. Whatever you choose, the financial and visual benefits of planting perennials pay well – annually.

Dig Out a DIY Fire Pit

A fire pit is something the entire family can get behind. S’mores after dinner. Sing-alongs at dusk. You might be asking yourself, ‘why didn’t we build a fire pit sooner?’ They are easy to make and will provide endless amusement all summer long. For the project, you will only need four supplies: Stone pavers, bricks or cinder blocks; sand or gravel; a shovel; and, a rake.

Find a suitable place in your backyard for your new fire pit, one that is both convenient and safe. Make sure that it’s in an open area away from the house, low tree limbs or anything else flammable. Clear away debris and shovel out an area of grass for your fire pit. Arrange the pavers, bricks or cinder blocks in your desired shape. Once assembled, add sand or gravel to the pit. Rake the area to create a smooth surface. Add dry wood. Then, rush to the store and buy marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate.

Create a Pathway

Pavers are an inexpensive design idea that create amazing visual impact. If you have bare earth you would like to cover or unused ground space in your yard, use broken pavers to build a mosaic pattern or whole pavers to create a grid. Place moss between the pavers for added visual impact. This will lend an ethereal vibe to an otherwise unused space. Using both pavers and plant moss means you need less of each, which is also light on your budget.

Build A Graveled Courtyard

Gravel is an inexpensive way to update your garden. Use it to designate a modest courtyard amongst your bushes and flowers to sip refreshments with friends. A gravel floor is almost maintenance-free and completely adaptable, as well as perfect for both relaxing and entertaining. If you like, change the shape or size of the floor with each season. The design is not etched in stone, making the possibilities for your garden inexpensive and numerous.

An Accent Colour

Choose a colour and use it to amplify your garden’s beauty. Paint the colour extensively throughout the space – on doors, fences, pots and garden furniture. Any quality exterior-grade paint that is oil-based or latex-based, in a bucket or spray can, is fine to use in your garden. When painting metal, choose a variety that is rust-resistant.

If you have limited space, painting a few items in the same color creates intensity and serenity. A few colors that look fabulous in gardens include: lavender, magenta, teal, deep purple, lime green, sunny yellow, and reds.

Become a Salvage

Not a Savage. Bring your purging rituals outdoors and upcycle unused household items to use in your garden. Find new use for that old armoire or china cabinet, especially ones with peeling paint. Plus, their drawers make for excellent storage. Adding antique pieces to your garden will not only update its look, but also shed your home of unnecessary clutter.

If you do not have anything you would like to remove from your home, visit a thrift store or flea market. You will find interesting used pieces for far less than you would new – perfect to brave the weather in your garden.

Old and toughened wood also looks striking in a garden. Leftover lumber is easy to convert into a bench or potting table and will feel right at home in your garden.

Updating your garden does not have to be an expensive task. All you need is a little creativity and time. Have fun with the process – that’s what gardens are there for. If you’re still not sure what updates you would like to make, and feel that you need some assistance, Infinity Gardens can help make any garden designs you’d like to accomplish.

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Common Landscaping Mistakes To Avoid Mon, 02 May 2016 09:11:01 +0000 Springtime tends to ignite the need to get out the shovel and overhaul your yard. The weather is warming up and your leaf-less trees and shrubs look like they may need love and attention. And they do – but, not so fast. There are a few landscaping mistakes that are commonly made, yet very preventable. […]

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Springtime tends to ignite the need to get out the shovel and overhaul your yard. The weather is warming up and your leaf-less trees and shrubs look like they may need love and attention. And they do – but, not so fast.

There are a few landscaping mistakes that are commonly made, yet very preventable.

Not Starting With A Plan

It is easy to walk through your local garden center and end up with a cart filled with beautiful plants. This season, do not just buy aimlessly hoping to find a home for your new additions. Start with a plan. Decide which landscape aesthetic you are hoping to attain – minimalist, romantic, modern, country, etc. – and work from there.

Lack of planning can lead to numerous maintenance headaches. A poor design, or one with too many sharp angles, can leading to constant mowing nightmares. Hiring a landscape architect is often well worth the investment, as they can transform your desires into an achievable rendering, as well as provide plant suggestions that you can pass along to your landscape company.

Skipping Prep Work

You would not build a home on unprepped foundation, so you shouldn’t start executing your new landscape without laying out the groundwork for your plants.

Improving your soil quality is something that you can start way before the landscapers begin work. Test your soil and find out which nutrients it is craving, then make any needed pH level adjustments. To make your soil more acidic, add aluminum sulphate or sulphur. Add ground lime to make your soil more alkaline.

Start a compost pile or bin. Adding organic waste to your soil is essential, as it will help produce healthy, flourishing plants. Create a mixture of wet and dry materials. Wet materials include: coffee grounds, chopped leaves, eggs, grains, manure, weeds, fruits and vegetables. Dry materials include: hay, nutshells, paper, straw, pine needles and more.

Once your compost smells like rich soil, add it to your foundation.

Monochromatic Colour Schemes

While you may favour fuschia to violet, too much of a good thing is never pretty. Instead, go for four-season landscape colour. When choosing plants and trees in spring, consider varieties that provide intoxicating color in winter, like Japanese maples and various ornamental grasses. And do not forget springtime varieties, such as tulips, and summer-blooming flowers, like roses.

You may also choose to include hearty heirloom vegetables, such as Swiss chard, cabbage and kale. They survive cold climates and are not hard on the eyes, either.

A seasonal variety of plants for your landscape is most handsome – and important for resale curb appeal.

Forgetting to Factor Size

The day that tree on your front lawn grows so tall that it hits a power line will be a memorable one. Make sure it doesn’t come to this by planning ahead. Make sure your landscape plan does not include tall trees under electrical lines. Another common mistake made in landscaping is to plant tall shrubs under a window. They end up hiding the view. The easiest way to avoid this is to do a little research or hire a landscaper to help you determine the best locations for your preferred plantlife.

When Weeds Go Wild

Weeds will eat up your gorgeous landscaping, as well as your maintenance budget. They compete with other plants for nutrients and water. They may also shorten the lifespan of pavers and stone by growing in mortar cracks. Make sure you have removed most, if not all, of the weeds in your soil prior to planting. You don’t want your seedlings to have to fight for survival.

It is easier to destroy weeds before there are other plants in your garden beds. Whether you prefer to dig or spray, remove these pesky plants before you get started. You can apply a pre-emergent pesticide about three weeks before seeds germinate.

Your Land Is A Backyard Buffet

Grazing deer might be a fun sight for kids to catch, but your newly planted shrubs will end up sparse. To avoid various wildlife from feasting on your landscape, decorate with deer- and rabbit-resistant plant varieties. Your landscaper or local agricultural extension agent can provide you with a list of edibles that critters in your area dislike. An electric deer fence is also an option.

Although it is tempting to simply plant all your favourite flowers without much foresight, make the most of your landscape and plan before you plant. If you have any questions, consult local professionals – Infinity Gardens offers custom estimates on personalized designs.

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How To Master The Art Of Edible Landscaping Mon, 25 Apr 2016 09:31:45 +0000 Landscaping doesn’t always have to be a purely aesthetic exercise. Your garden can potentially supplement your food diet and help you to live a healthier lifestyle (not to mention reduce your food bill). Hence the reason why it is good to master the art of edible landscaping. Your garden can have a variety of produce: […]

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Landscaping doesn’t always have to be a purely aesthetic exercise. Your garden can potentially supplement your food diet and help you to live a healthier lifestyle (not to mention reduce your food bill). Hence the reason why it is good to master the art of edible landscaping. Your garden can have a variety of produce: fruits, herbs and vegetables. Depending on what you plan on growing, you can try different methods and styles. This is a chance for you to be quite creative with your garden.

Vegetable Gardens

Vegetable gardens do not have to be bland; they can be both practical and stylish. You can plant certain vegetables together according to their looks. For example, cabbage and cauliflower go very well together due to their colours. You can plant them in blocks and clusters as opposed to traditional rows. You can also plant them inside containers and boxes.

If you are worried about shade, there are lots of vegetables that grow well without direct exposure to the sun: cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, lettuce, spinach, beans and radishes are all options for you.

You can plant your vegetables in all sorts of spaces. Pole beans, for example, can be planted along arbors and fences.

Fruit Trees

The idea of growing fruit trees might seem a bit impractical if you don’t have a lot of space to work with. But there are now miniature fruit trees commercially available, so it is possible to enjoy fruit even if you don’t have a huge backyard. They can be grown in barrels or pots. Strawberries can be used for edging by just planting them around the flower beds. Strawberries are especially beautiful in spring as they grow white flowers that become russet in fall.


Herbs are well known for their medicinal and nutritional benefits, but don’t discount their decorative ability. Herbs now come in a variety of colours other than traditional green and can make good foliage for your garden. Rosemary is a popular herb that can add some flavour to your garden. If you are looking for something that can withstand hot and dry weather then thyme would be a good bet. Not only is it a good plant for groundcover, it also exudes a fragrant smell.

Herbs can be mixed well with flowers and interior decorations. Some examples are basil, tarragon, plants and chives.

With time and practice, you can find out the combination that works best for your garden. For advice or ideas, consult our staff or visit us online for more information. You can find out about new techniques or tools available. There are lots of resources you can utilize to make the most of your gardening project.

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Getting Your Garden Ready For Spring Mon, 04 Apr 2016 09:42:12 +0000 Spring is just around the corner, and that is good news for garden enthusiasts who want to see beautiful flowers and plants in their backyards instead of snow. But before you jump into the gardening, there are some things you need to do in order to make the most of your garden. Take Stock of […]

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Spring is just around the corner, and that is good news for garden enthusiasts who want to see beautiful flowers and plants in their backyards instead of snow. But before you jump into the gardening, there are some things you need to do in order to make the most of your garden.

Spring-Ready Garden

Take Stock of Your Tools and Supplies

Make sure that you have adequate supplies for gardening: shovel, hoe, gloves, wheelbarrow and anything else that you know you use or might use to cultivate your garden. Inspect the tools that you do have for any signs of decay or damage. Check metal tools for rust and for wooden tools check for splits and cracks.

Inspect the Garden Bed

The harsh winter weather could easily damage your garden bed, so it is a good idea to repair or replace any damage to the frame. Also check for weeds that might have grown. Weeds can be your garden’s biggest enemy so make sure they are fully uprooted before you begin sowing.

Break up the Ground

The ground would have been frozen solid by the cold winter so you need to loosen it up. This can be hard work but it is important to make sure that your garden has the best environment to grow in. A rototiller would be a good tool for this. Alternatively you can use a hoe, shovel or pick.

Fertilize the Soil

Make sure that your soil is adequately fertilized. You can use commercial fertilizer or compost you might have accumulated. Just spread the compost over the top of the soil.

Shift around Perennials

Spring is a good opportunity to put some variety into your garden by trading plants. Just make sure that whatever plants you trade in are healthy, you don’t want to take the risk of cultivating unhealthy plants as they can ruin your entire garden.

Plant Vegetables Early

Some seeds actually germinate better in cooler weather so make sure you take advantage of the favourable spring conditions. After you sow, prune away any foliage to ensure that the seeds grow successfully.

Protect Your Plants

Spring can still bring on late spates of frost and snow. Prepare your plants for this by covering them in plastic and cloth. Check the weather forecast for any freezing weather and take action early.

Sometimes you might find yourself short of supplies or in need of some advice. If you have a local garden supplier, you can ask them about any new tools or information that can be useful. Our team at Infinity Gardens is available to offer their assistance, guidance and insight.

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How To Save Water While Still Maintaining A Healthy Lawn Mon, 28 Mar 2016 10:34:14 +0000 It can be difficult to maintain a healthy lawn while conserving water. To maintain a healthy lawn, you must keep a good balance between over- and under- watering. It’s also important to think about the environment. Water is a precious resource, and we should all do our part to conserve water. When it comes to […]

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It can be difficult to maintain a healthy lawn while conserving water. To maintain a healthy lawn, you must keep a good balance between over- and under- watering. It’s also important to think about the environment. Water is a precious resource, and we should all do our part to conserve water. When it comes to being eco-friendly, every little bit helps.

 Healthy Lawn

So, how can we save water, while keeping our lawn healthy and growing?

Choose the Right Irrigation Technique

Common lawn irrigation techniques include:

  • Sprinklers
  • Hand watering
  • Drip Irrigation

Sprinklers are a great, labour saving way to water your lawn, but you’ll want to make sure you never forget to turn the sprinklers off. Sprinklers can become water wasters if left on for too long. Fortunately, technology allows us to put our sprinklers on timers, so they can turn on and off automatically.

You may also choose to have complete control over water flow by watering your garden by hand.

However, the most conservative, and effective way to hydrate your lawn is drip irrigation, which delivers moisture directly to the plants’ roots. Since the water goes right to the roots, there’s less wastage. In fact, drip irrigation uses 70% less water than a regular sprinkler.

Not only does drip irrigation save water, it also saves you valuable time. Once the irrigation system is in place, your yard is automatically watered–you don’t need to do a thing. At Infinity Gardens, our irrigation specialists can help you set up an irrigation system, saving water, and allowing your lawn to flourish!

Water Strategically

If you are watering your lawn using sprinklers, or by hand, be sure to water early in the morning. When it’s really hot out, a lot of water can be lost due to evaporation. By watering early in the summer months, you can buy time for the water to be absorbed into the earth.

Take care in the placement and alignment of your sprinklers, to make sure the sidewalk or driveway isn’t getting as much water as the lawn!

Love the Rain

Rainwater can be your best friend! Not only does it naturally water your lawn, but you can set up a rainwater collection system (a rain barrel, for instance) and continue allowing rain to benefit your lawn even once the showers have passed.

If you have an automatic irrigation system installed (drip irrigation, or sprinklers), make sure it has functioning moisture sensors that shut the system off when it rains.

Maintaining a healthy lawn takes many considerations. Fortunately, there are so many ways to keep a beautiful, yet eco-friendly outdoor space. For more information from the specialists at Infinity Gardens, contact us today!

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Four Events To Hold Around Your Outdoor Fireplace Mon, 07 Mar 2016 10:34:12 +0000 An outdoor fireplace is a beautiful and functional addition to your backyard, and a great way to host memorable social events! Here at Infinity Gardens, our journeyman masons will custom build your outdoor fireplace, finishing the job only when you are completely satisfied. Here are a few ways to enjoy your luxurious new fireplace. BBQ […]

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An outdoor fireplace is a beautiful and functional addition to your backyard, and a great way to host memorable social events! Here at Infinity Gardens, our journeyman masons will custom build your outdoor fireplace, finishing the job only when you are completely satisfied. Here are a few ways to enjoy your luxurious new fireplace.

Outdoor Fireplace

  1. BBQ

    There’s no better way to enjoy your outdoor fireplace than to hold a BBQ with family and friends. Place a grill over your fire to cook burgers, hot dogs, and more. As the weather gets colder, you can cozy up to the fireplace with blankets to enjoy good food, and good conversation.

    To really step up your outdoors culinary game, combine your outdoor fireplace with an outdoor kitchen. Our talented masons can build anything from a basic barbecue set up to a full kitchen to create the backyard of your dreams.

  2. Go Camping!

    Maybe you can’t get away to the woods this weekend, but with an outdoor fireplace, you can bring the camping life right to your backyard. Maybe your kids are thrilled about the idea of pitching a tent in the backyard, or maybe you want to throw a fun event to reconnect with old friends. Roast marshmallows, make s’mores, and sit around the warm fire late into the night telling stories.

    For families with children, you can use your fireplace to throw camping themed birthday parties! Snacks like trail mix, roasted wieners, s’mores, and hot chocolate are sure to make the little ones happy. Explore the backyard, sing campfire songs, and play games to keep everyone entertained. Rustic decorations can also help everyone get into the camping spirit! Just remember to always exercise caution around fire, especially with young children around.

  3. Have a Quiet Evening

    You don’t need a big social event to enjoy your outdoor fireplace. They are the perfect place to enjoy quality time with your loved ones, whether cooking around the fire with your family, or enjoying a romantic evening. The warmth and glow of the fire brings people closer together, and makes any night special.

  4. Throw a Party!

    Whatever the event, your outdoor fireplace will elevate any party! By arranging chairs, benches, and blankets around the fire, it can be a great gathering place to enjoy conversation, or a quieter retreat from the party.

Whatever you use your outdoor fireplace for, we hope it’s a place where you can laugh, enjoy wonderful conversation, fun, food, and friends, and create lasting memories. For more information about outdoor fireplaces, and our skilled landscapers and tradespeople, contact us today!

The post Four Events To Hold Around Your Outdoor Fireplace appeared first on Infinity Gardens.

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